史丹佛大学心理系的副教授Brain Knutson及其同事针对这个问题展开了研究。研究人员募集了26位受试者并给予20美元的消费额度,透过屏幕显示物品,价格在四秒后就会显示于图片的下方,而志愿者必须实时决定是否购买,同时研究人员利用功能性核磁共振造影(fMRI)来记录受试者大脑里的变化情形。
在购买商品时,获到商品的喜悦是「得」,而花钱的痛苦则是「失」。功能性核磁共振扫描的结果显示,当受试者对于某项商品怦然心动时,大脑皮层下的快乐中心-伏隔核(Nucleus accumbens)会变的十分活跃;但当价格不被受试者青睐时,脑中的脑岛(insula)反而会变的活跃,而内侧前额叶皮质(mesial prefrontal cortex)则会变的不活跃,同时伴随着购买欲望的降低。研究小组并利用统计的方式来分析大脑兴奋区域的变化是否可用来预测购物行为,结果显示这些区域的变化与购物行为是具有关联性的。因此这项研究提供了初步证据,指出我们可以利用扫描脑部中与利益得失有关之特殊区域的活跃情形来预测人们购物的模式。
大脑中是否有个购物中心?加拿大的神经科学家Alain Dagher对此做出了评论,他指出某些问题仍无法解答。这项研究强调人类的情感对于物品和价格的反应,但在现实的购物情形中,会掺杂着很多不同的因素在里面,购买的决定同时也是经由事前的计划、购物时再三思考的结果。
但Alain Dagher也表示,人们的消费行为往往无法解释其合理性,也许脑袋中购物喜悦和花钱痛苦之间的挣扎,可以用来解释这令人匪夷所思的消费选择。 (数据来源:Sciscape科景)
Neuron, Vol 53, 147-156, 04 January 2007
Neural Predictors of Purchases
Brian Knutson,1,Scott Rick,2 G. Elliott Wimmer,1 Drazen Prelec,3 and George Loewenstein2
1 Psychology and Neuroscience, Stanford University, Building 420, Jordan Hall, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
2 Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, 208 Porter Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
3 MIT Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, E56-320, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Corresponding author
Brian Knutson
Microeconomic theory maintains that purchases are driven by a combination of consumer preference and price. Using event-related fMRI, we investigated how people weigh these factors to make purchasing decisions. Consistent with neuroimaging evidence suggesting that distinct circuits anticipate gain and loss, product preference activated the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), while excessive prices activated the insula and deactivated the mesial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) prior to the purchase decision. Activity from each of these regions independently predicted immediately subsequent purchases above and beyond self-report variables. These findings suggest that activation of distinct neural circuits related to anticipatory affect precedes and supports consumers' purchasing decisions.
ScienceNOW : When Your Brain Goes Shopping
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