如今,研究人员已经查明了一个被称为右外侧前额叶皮层(rLPFC)的特别脑区——rLPFC控制着对社会规范的遵从——无论是在对这些规范的采纳是自愿的还是在当受到惩罚威胁时。Christian Ruff及其同事用一种叫做经颅直流电刺激的技术来增强或降低在一个游戏中的63名研究参与者的rLPFC的活动;在该游戏中,参与者相互之间会转移金钱并会相互威胁如果所收到的钱的数量太小的话会给予制裁。
英文摘要 Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1241399 Changing Social Norm Compliance With Noninvasive Brain Stimulation C. C. Ruff1,*, G. Ugazio1,2, E. Fehr1,* All known human societies have maintained social order by enforcing compliance with social norms. The biological mechanisms underlying norm compliance are, however, hardly understood. We show that the right lateral prefrontal cortex (rLPFC) is involved in both voluntary and sanction-induced norm compliance. Both types of compliance could be changed by varying neural excitability of this brain region with transcranial direct current stimulation, but they were affected in opposite ways, suggesting that the stimulated region plays a fundamentally different role in voluntary and sanction-based compliance. Brain stimulation had a particularly strong effect for compliance based on socially constituted sanctions, while it left beliefs about what the norm prescribes and about subjectively expected sanctions unaffected. Our findings suggest that rLPFC activity is a key biological prerequisite for an evolutionarily and socially important aspect of human behavior. |
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